What I do: Part Zero - - - Formulation.
R&D, Formulation, QA, Shelf Stability, and Compliance.
Before any of the prior steps can happen, a product needs to be determined. How that product is to be made also needs to be determined. Every step of production affects other steps. This is why Research and Development is so important. While I do not have a food science degree, or a chemical engineering background, my work experience and ‘off the record’ experimentation has provided me with extensive experience in formulation.
I can help set up a lab for R&D, source equipment, and even set up a system for trial runs. I have worked extensively with clients who may have made their product in a kitchen or garage, but have not had access to lab equipment. These clients have never needed to comply with new sets of regulations and standards before.
In addition to this, whatever happens in R&D needs to conform to what is done in full scale production to achieve the same results. I make sure the processes applied can be replicated on a large scale.
I can also help a client set up shelf stability studies, a QA procedure for the plant, and associated documentation. Much of this is required for compliance, and will be required by the local health authorities, or the FDA. Everything I do is to cGMP standards and with a focus on safety.